Brigade Quartermasters, Ltd. - Field Gear

06 October 2009

92% of Americans Say 'Don't Tear Me Down,' Favor Keeping Veterans Memorial at Center of Supreme Court Case

/PRNewswire/ -- In a poll conducted by Barna Group and commissioned by Liberty Legal Institute that was released today, 92 percent of Americans agree that the forbidden Mojave Desert War Memorial should be allowed to stand.

The poll, which surveyed 1,000 adults nationwide, finds that only 5 percent of Americans would favor removing the memorial located in the 1.6 million acre Mojave Desert. Additionally, 65 percent of political liberals believe that the Memorial should stay.

In a more general question, 90 percent of Americans believe that military-related memorials with religious symbols should remain standing, 77 percent of which strongly believe the memorials should stay.

Tomorrow, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the case regarding the Mojave Desert War Memorial, a seven-foot-tall cross erected in 1934 by World War I veterans and maintained for the last 25 years by Henry and Wanda Sandoz. Liberty Legal Institute, which represents the Sandozes and over four million veterans though the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. (VFW), The American Legion, Military Order of the Purple Heart, and American Ex-Prisoners of War, launched just before Memorial Day in order to bring attention to the case. To date, more than 170,000 people have signed the online petition of support at the site, and there have been nearly 1.9 million views of the video on YouTube.

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